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Prepared By Luke Saint
Lending Score

Private & Confidential 

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Hi Chris,

We are focused on making the document part of the mortgage process quicker, better and more secure. Our mission is to reduce the number of documents you ask for and the time spent chasing them, by making it easier for consumers to share their data digitally.  By enabling you to obtain data instantly we can empower your brokers to make better decisions, faster.

Our system has been built for the mortgage market and does not require complex changes to existing systems or processes. Instead, it expands on the established process of accepting filtered bank statements as evidence of certain incomes and expenditures.


Thank you for expressing your interest in collaborating with us. This proposal will provide you with insights into our capabilities and how we can be of assistance.



Many Thanks,

Luke Saint

Statements & documents

As part of a broker’s standard due diligence, various documents are often requested, even when they aren’t specifically required by the lender. This often results in a lot of time being spent chasing paperwork, with submissions frequently in the wrong format, which creates unnecessary friction and slows down the entire process.

Online statements, like bank statemens can be difficult to download in the correct format, especially on mobile devices

Paper statements are frequently lost or shredded. Replacements take time to arrive

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Not everyone has a scanner. Photographs of documents can be unclear, take time to piece together and miss key details 

Reduce hassle and save time by instantly and securely validating a person’s income or key transactions with data pulled directly from their bank.

Data provided by

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How it works

By working with Equifax and, you can access your customer’s information directly from their bank account, instantly. Allowing you to make better decisions faster.

Customer Journey
Takes less than 2 minutes

How it works - Brokers

Brokers are an integral part of the document process, below is an overview of how it works for them.

01 Notification

Brokers are notified when their customer has securely shared their information

Jun - Sep 2023

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vs. Bank Statement - Example

Filtered Statements

Filter categorised transactions paid in or out of bank accounts, including salary, benefits, rent, pension income, mortgage payments, DMPs, direct debits, and standing orders.

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StepChange takes on average 3 weeks to produce a DMP statement. With Lending Score, you can check the payment history in two clicks 

Data provided by

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Example Portal

This portal is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for accessing the information you need to make a decision fast. It offers complete flexibility, allowing you to customise the information you get according to your specific needs and preferences.

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CLS portal
- outgoings

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CLS portal
- transaction search

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